A great deal of unrest has been stirred up in the wake of Capcom’s reveal of the next Devil May Cry, developed by Ninja Theory, simply titled DmC. Most of the criticism surrounds the new design for Dante. I guess he comes off emo, or too Twilight or metrosexual, or some such nonsense. Here’s some art released along…
Scuffle Breaks out On Stage at Capcom’s Captivate 2010
Marvel and Capcom Fight over Who Created Unpopular New Character Honolulu, HI – Last week during Capcom’s annual Captivate press event the publisher revealed the existence of Marvel vs Capcom 3, a modern sequel to the well-loved series of fighting games pitting Marvel’s biggest superheroes and villains against characters from Capcom’s considerable library of intellectual…
Blind Review: Monster Hunter 3: NRA Approved!
Welcome to the latest in our long running series of Blind Reviews here at GamerBlahhhg.com. Today we will be looking at Monster Hunter Tri for the Wii. Having found great success on the PSP platform, this marks the triumphant return of the series to home consoles. Enjoy! Mythic Beasts versus Big Game Although Monster Hunter…