Blind Review – Medal of Honor (2010)

A Terrorist’s Tale Electronic Arts’ reboot of their classic WWII shooter series is finally upon us. Where the previous games endeavored to recreate famous battles between the Allied forces and Nazi Germany, developer Danger Close has taken a more controversial path, creating what is, essentially, a Taliban simulator. Players take the role of a nameless…

ZOMG, Legit Review! – Alpha Protocol [PC, PS3, 360]

Programmed for Etiquette and Alpha Protocol You would have a hard time finding a game in recent memory that provoked such wildly divergent assessments of quality, from professional reviewers and fans alike, than the recently release Alpha Protocol. Developed by Obsidian and published by Sega, opinions and scores range from the enthusiastic gushing of Tom…

Scuffle Breaks out On Stage at Capcom’s Captivate 2010

Marvel and Capcom Fight over Who Created Unpopular New Character Honolulu, HI – Last week during Capcom’s annual Captivate press event the publisher revealed the existence of Marvel vs Capcom 3, a modern sequel to the well-loved series of fighting games pitting Marvel’s biggest superheroes and villains against characters from Capcom’s considerable library of intellectual…

Bullet Point BS: 4/15/2010 – NPD? Arglebargle!

You may have noticed every gaming blog in the world publishing five or six stories today in rapid succession to discuss the US videogame sales figures from March. This can mean only one thing: the NPD figures are out! The PS3 had perhaps its best month ever for software sales thanks to strong performance from…