Scuffle Breaks out On Stage at Capcom’s Captivate 2010

Marvel and Capcom Fight over Who Created Unpopular New Character Honolulu, HI – Last week during Capcom’s annual Captivate press event the publisher revealed the existence of Marvel vs Capcom 3, a modern sequel to the well-loved series of fighting games pitting Marvel’s biggest superheroes and villains against characters from Capcom’s considerable library of intellectual…

Bullet Point BS: 4/15/2010 – NPD? Arglebargle!

You may have noticed every gaming blog in the world publishing five or six stories today in rapid succession to discuss the US videogame sales figures from March. This can mean only one thing: the NPD figures are out! The PS3 had perhaps its best month ever for software sales thanks to strong performance from…

Hacker Geohot: God or Supergod?

World renowned celebrity hacker geohot, who first rose to fame in 1992 when portrayed by actor Dan Aykroyd in the classic hacking movie Sneakers, today held a press conference in YouTube’s New York studios to announce the fruits of his current project to once and for all unleash the secret capabilities of the Sony PlayStation 3. In…

Sony Time Travel Experiment Ends in Success, Angry Calls

Sony today announced the successful conclusion of their long planned experiment with time manipulation. Ken Kutaragi, father of the PlayStation, designed the PS3 console with an undisclosed time manipulation component designed to be remotely activated over the PlayStation Network. The goal was to create a world-wide network of flux capacitors, simultaneously generating the desired tachyon manipulation…