If this were 2006, the existence of a crappy, obscene game from Japan called “RapeLay” might be news. But that was 4 years ago and most of the world, after some hand-wringing, has simply moved on. Except for CNN, apparently, who are now reporting the game has gone “viral“.
Unfortunately it doesn’t seem that CNN even knows what the word “Viral” means.
But the controversy that led to stopping sales of the game instead took it viral.
That was how Lucy Kibble and Jim Gardner in Britain heard about it.
“I think the idea that you can do it by wholesale banning is just never going to work anyway because we downloaded it for free off the Internet,” Gardner said.
What CNN has actually discovered is just run of the mill game piracy. I guess torrents aren’t just for the latest blockbuster titles after all. Turns out vulgar, hentai games get stolen, too!
One does have to wonder, though, just what Lucy and Jim were doing sifting through pirate websites and downloading pornographic games, or just why they decided to tell CNN about it.
I guess they’re just lucky the ESA isn’t like the RIAA or the lawyers would already be serving notice.