While Microsoft has made seamless multitasking between games and media apps, Sony has, since the PS4 reveal in Februrary been a bit cagey on the subject. Considering the large amount of RAM the PS4 includes and the multitasking features built into the PlayStation Vita real task switching felt like a sure inclusion, but it was…
I’ll Miss You, Ryan Davis
I learned Ryan Davis had passed when I opened twitter Monday afternoon and followed a context free link to Dave Snider’s understated tribute site ThanksRyan.com. It only dawned on me slowly what I was looking at, and I swiftly began looking through my history only to discover nothing but further confirmation that he had died…
Xbox Gone Redundant
Microsoft has no idea what the fuck they are doing. This much has been obvious since last summer when they introduced “SmartGlass” as their next big “innovation”. I use sarcastic quotes because by “innovation” they mean using the tablet or smartphone you already own to do things the tablet or smartphone can natively do. Most…
Last Minute Predictions for #PlayStation2013
At 6 PM Eastern Standard Time in New York City Sony is set to finally unveil the “Future of PlayStation”, something that has had certain sectors of the internet in a virtual tizzy for the last three weeks. At this point it is all but certain that the next generation PlayStation console will debut alongside…