Sony today announced the successful conclusion of their long planned experiment with time manipulation. Ken Kutaragi, father of the PlayStation, designed the PS3 console with an undisclosed time manipulation component designed to be remotely activated over the PlayStation Network. The goal was to create a world-wide network of flux capacitors, simultaneously generating the desired tachyon manipulation…
Exclusive: StarCraft II beta outsiders
While every blog and their brother is out there giving you hands on impressions of the graphics and gameplay of the long awaited follow-up to Blizzard‘s original sci-fi RTS, here at Gamer Blahhhg we’re taking a more comprehensive view of the beta. Anyone can give you a rundown of the map types, units and mechanics…
NFL to become professional videogame league.
In a surprise announcement today following the conclusion of Superbowl XLIV, NFL commissioner Roger Goodell outlined plans to transition from their current focus on physical matches to a system of virtual matches played out in a custom version of EA’s Madden videogame. Citing mounting concerns over the long term health problems associated with repeated concussions…
Swine Flu linked to Violent Video Games
Disreputable news outlets are reporting the findings of a Pennsylvania housewife who dreamed last week that the deadly H1N1 virus, known colloquially as the swine flu, is the result of a mutation that occurred when SARS was exposed to Grand Theft Auto 4. Video game critics Dave Grossman, Jack Thompson and countless Fox News pundits nearly wet…
Dear Blogosphere: You don’t have to tell me what hasn’t happened
Look, I don’t think it’s exactly newsworthy when a publisher announces a special collector’s edition of a game is coming, so you can imagine how little it interests me to hear there will be No Heavy Rain Collectors Edition for US. You mean to say the thing never promised isn’t happening? How is this news, again?